Author: Oskar Neumann

From June 26-27, Andrea Lecchini-Visintini, Emma Chung, Jatinder Minhas and Stephen Payne organized the Theo Murphy meeting “The pulsing brain” at the waterfront of Brighton, UK. The setting was wonderful, the scientific programme well composed, and the discussions extremely inspiring! The meeting s...

Category: Allgemein

Between June 3rd and 7th, the 9th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS) took place. Amidst a vibrant ambiance with a view of the sea in Lisbon, Portugal, researchers from across the globe, particularly Europe, shared their research. It was great ...

Category: Allgemein

On October 21, 2023, the Collaborative Research Center CRC 1540 "Exploring Brain Mechanics" (EBM) participated in the Long Night of the Sciences in the Erlangen, Fürth, and Nürnberg region. In a captivating presentation, EBM opened its doors to the interested public, providing insights into various ...

Category: Allgemein

The 1st EBM Retreat took place from September 21st to 22nd, 2023 at the Hotel Arvena Reichsstadt in the small historic town of Bad Windsheim and provided a platform for scientific presentations primarily from doctoral researchers and postdoctoral researchers of the CRC 1540 „Exploring Brain Mechanic...

Category: Allgemein

This year’s 10th Summer School on Biomechanics of Soft Tissue: From the Heart to the Cardiovascular System to the Brain (coordinated by Gerhard A. Holzapfel and Ray W. Ogden) was a scientifically engaging experience. Over an intensive five days, speakers gave a comprehensive insight into their respe...

Category: Allgemein

As part of the graduate program, the EBM researchers had the opportunity to gain hands on experience on the autopsy of the human brain. The workshop was hosted by the department of neuropathology of the university hospitals Erlangen and consisted of two parts, the first one being an online introduct...

Category: Allgemein