Virtual 14th WCCM & ECCOMAS Congress 2020

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Last week, we participated in the virtual joined World Congress of Computational Mechanics and ECCOMAS Congress, which would originally have taken place in Paris, June 2020. It was an impressive event with more than 3000 participants from more than 30 countries. The organizors did a great job in setting up an online platform with the opportunity to intensively communicate with researchers from all over the world. It was the first conference for BRAINIACS PhD students Nina Reiter and Saeed Zarzor and therefore especially exciting for our group! Many thanks to the organizers for making this possible!

Together with Prof. Tim Ricken and Prof. Oliver Röhrle from the University of Stuttgart, we organized the Minisymposium “Computational modeling of active biological systems” and had an inspiring Live Session on Tuesday afternoon with great questions and discussions. A huge thanks to all contributors who have made this lively exchange possible, despite the restrictions of only meeting virtually and tuning in from very different time zones.

During a Happy Hour after the actual Session, we had drinks together and chatted about our individual experiences during this special year as well as the effect of Covid on research in general – on the short but also long term. It was exciting to experience that – while Covid has driven us apart physically – we still all face the same situation, even strengthening a sense of community!